"Created in 2007 by Stefano Spadoni, TOW unites women of all races, religions, nationalities and professional backgrounds who are equal to or greater than 6' feet tall (183 cm.) and who have an outstanding look and personality. Their mission: to use their unique ability to command attention to promote charities and raise the support of worthy causes to great heights. "
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Tall Outstanding Women"
"Created in 2007 by Stefano Spadoni, TOW unites women of all races, religions, nationalities and professional backgrounds who are equal to or greater than 6' feet tall (183 cm.) and who have an outstanding look and personality. Their mission: to use their unique ability to command attention to promote charities and raise the support of worthy causes to great heights. "
"Created in 2007 by Stefano Spadoni, TOW unites women of all races, religions, nationalities and professional backgrounds who are equal to or greater than 6' feet tall (183 cm.) and who have an outstanding look and personality. Their mission: to use their unique ability to command attention to promote charities and raise the support of worthy causes to great heights. "